Friday, May 13, 2011

Feelings poeple go through

Happiness is like a smiling child playing by the river on a warm day

Depression is like a sad old dog waiting on the porch for someone to come home, even though nobody comes.

Friendliness is like giving someone you know a nice gentle hug when you see them.

Sadness is like a lonely puppy dog pouting with a smile upside down for delicious lasagna

Thirst is like a half asleep kid wanting to,  but is to tired to get out of bed and get a glass of water to drink

Laughter is like a smiling mouse eating yummy cupcakes squeaking with joy
Favorite Poem Response

I think that the poem, The Sloth, that Katherine Mechling, the fifth grader girl wrote is very good.
    I like how she made it so that every last word would rhyme with the one above.  It was very poetic.  
    I also like the part at the end where she said, ”Then off again to sleep he goes, Still swaying gently by his Toes, And you just know he knows he knows.”  The reason I like this part is because of the words she uses, swaying, gently, toes, knows, and sleep; they fit the poem.