Tuesday, April 12, 2011

vs poem F,Q; vs poem

Funny, fluttering, filthy, frisky fairy-like flamingos with flapping feathers, freely playing frisbee while eating their favorite, frosty, fresh, fruity food from flamingo “Friends Forever” fantasy fun land, and fabulous, fantabulace, fantastic Florida. VS queasy quails quacking quite quietly on a quilt in quire, and quickly quizzing themselves but wanting to quit.


Fat sumo wrestlers wearing pink bathing suites, with purple and green colored spiked up hair, in the chlorine blue pool, on a bright summer day, playing with razor sharp teeth devil barbies who will kill anyone who comes near them, except for  their lovely sumo wrestler owners  vs a pack of rib showing wimpy wolves eating red ants in their giant sumo wrestler eating giant human robots, playing with angel teddy bears   


Things people do when there’s a fire in their house:

                                              Freak out and run out your front door
                                         Injure yourself by jumping out your window
                           Read a book and don't pay any attention then get burned
   Eat your mom’s special chocolates until you feel the heat of the fire then run through a glass door
   Hide behind your bed till the cops find you
   Empty your mind and meditate
   Let your little brother scream and cry so the neighbors call the police
   Pee your pants from being so scared
   Make up a story when the police come, saying that you didn't start the fire(only if you did start the    fire)
   Enjoy the day cause you know your gonna die